It's been a year already…

I cannot believe it has been 1 year already that I moved on to better things professionally.

When I decided to embark on a new adventure, I was scared to make the move, but I knew I had to do something as my mental health was at stake. So I Left a toxic environment with the hope to return to my whole self again and be happy with what I do in life.

If you go back to my earliest post, a year ago, I was not in a good place. My previous job sucked everything out of me.

Luckily I was able to let go of a lot, but for some reasons, part of the anger that I accumulated stayed with me. I am still angry whenever I think about the situation I was in.

The anger of being played and abused of my trust and hard work. I found myself having a hard to gain trust in others again. I have been dealing with trust issues ever since.

Today marked the 1 year I decided to take my life into my own hands and make a change.

I have to say that I have no regrets. No commuting issues equal what I have been through the years before. I like my job and I don’t mind waking up in the morning to go to work.

I have been able to relax a bit and start reading on my commute. I started this blog which helped me tremendously with my mental health. I learned to let go of things unnecessary in my life and take it one day at a time and not taking things for granted.

So far, my coworkers appreciate what I do and that’s what matters the most to me. It’s been busy, but I am still able to keep my personal life as well.

I found a place that I am able to keep a work/life balance which was not the case before.

I am still a work in progress, but I will get there eventually.

After a year, I am still truly thankful for the opportunity that was given to me. It has been a year of change, self-awareness, and healing.

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